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Topics - ShTHfan1


QuoteIn our own time
We can break apart the wall
Call it frail minds
But we're not afraid to fall
Do you know
How to build a human life
We all bleed
But that doesn't mean we die

Carry our misbeliefs
Never hold us anymore
We've walked alone before

Do you hear the cry
Of a nation with a plague
A sickness in our brains
To burn until we fade
Yet I see the tears
In a fraction of a day
Gaining traction all the way
Burning passion in the flames

Carry our misbeliefs
Never hold us anymore
We've walked alone before

To face our enemies
We can start another war
Or we can be something more
A Change
A chance to clean the stains

Carry our misbeliefs
Never hold us anymore
We've walked alone before

Carry our misbeliefs
Never hold us anymore
We've walked alone before
For whatever reason, Balloons in My Basket seems to be out of sync with itself. The lyrics you're supposed to sing are timed about half a second earlier than they should be. And the lyrics go by pretty quickly, so it greatly impacts the score you get. Please fix?

QuoteI finally found a way to move on
It's all done
I won't dwell on the past
It's all gone
Divide the sky to see a light
Pull out what I need so I can shine another day
Inside the heart of fragile minds
Wonderment at what we'll find
It's okay

Now cry out one last time
Show them you're alive
Stumble once again
Rise up stronger then
Climb the mountain high
We will never die
Understand your dream
You know who to be

To see the world again in a new light
Such a new sight
My quest to make a change
If I try
I used to think hope was a lie
Nothing more than alibis to keep me from the dark
But hope is more, it's why I fly
Now i will hold the world tonight
I can go so far

Now cry out one last time
Show them you're alive
Stumble once again
Rise up stronger then
Climb the mountain high
We will never die
Understand your dream
You know who to be

They never said
The road was easy
The promise made
Was not eternity
Time will tell who you are
I will help you catch the stars

Now cry out one last time
Show them you're alive
Stumble once again
Rise up stronger then
Climb the mountain high
We will never die
Understand your dream
You know who to be

It may have taken inspiration from Aviators' "Fool's Gold" but it's still pretty awesome.
Song requests / Sights Unseen - A Rarity
May 26, 2015, 04:04:04 PM

QuoteYou see her walking there
A sparkle in her eye
Don't mind her styled hair
And the dress she wears to cripple your mind
She's just a simple girl
Who can steal your heart
She's a fiery star
You can bet she knows just who you are

She's a rarity
A fine cut jewel
A predator, she's watching you
She's a mystery
A shadow wrapped in light
You never knew

You didn't see her coming
She took you by surprise
She seems so innocent
But it's all just a disguise
Not such a simple girl
A lock without a key
Such a misleading face
She's not what she seems

She's a rarity
A fine cut jewel
A predator, she's watching you
She's a mystery
A shadow wrapped in light
You never knew

She's got a secret
She's gonna keep it
She's gonna lure you in and bring you to your knees
She's not a demon
She's what you see and
She's knows exactly who to be

She's a rarity
A mystery
A secret in the shadows
Not a liar or a thief
She's a rarity
A curiosity
You'll never see her coming
She's not what she seems

She's a rarity
A fine cut jewel
A predator, she's watching you
She's a mystery
A shadow wrapped in light
You never knew
She's a rarity
A mistress from the dark
A bearer of light
A curiosity
You better watch out
Before she gets your mind
A rarity

A rarity

QuoteDon't think you're a hero
You're just a simple soul
You think you're so special
You'll never be whole
So why do you fight me
In this small town
I can make you happy
Or I can bring you down

Close your eyes and cry
I've got you now
Your mark is mine
I have found
Utopia in a world of imperfection
Equalize for redemption

I'm not crazy
I'm not an evil creature
I want to heal the world
One face at a time
So why do you fight it
I'm bringing harmony
Equalize the world
I'd think you'd want to help me

Close your eyes and cry
I've got you now
Your mark is mine
I have found
Utopia in a world of imperfection
Equalize for redemption



Why won't you see
I'm here to help
Why can't you be
The one who fell
You forced my hand
You had to fight
I had no choice
Be equalized

Close your eyes and cry
I've got you now
Your mark is mine
I have found
Utopia in a world of imperfection
Equalize for redemption


Song requests / Sights Unseen - Ghosts
May 26, 2015, 03:47:00 PM

QuoteIn a single day
My future's thrown away
No way to make it out
Bring me all the way
I thought that we could play
Or never break it down

No more time to see what I can be
I can't decide if this is true
My mind's against me, on the fence
And now I don't know what to do
Where can I go
[I never thought I'd hate my life]
Haunted by ghosts
[My own mind will kill me tonight]

Tell me where to go
I want to hold you so
Don't make me leave my home
Save me from myself
Shadows haunt me in this hell
The day is growing old

No more time to see what I can be
I can't decide if this is true
My mind's against me, on the fence
And now I don't know what to do
Where can I go
[I never thought I'd hate my life]
Haunted by ghosts
[My own mind will kill me tonight]

It was just a spell
A simple figment, I can't tell
Is this real or not
But now I will hide
From all the darkness in my mind
These ghosts are all I've got

No more time to see what I can be
I can't decide if this is true
My mind's against me, on the fence
And now I don't know what to do
Where can I go
[I never thought I'd hate my life]
Haunted by ghosts
[My own mind will kill me tonight]
Song requests / Sights Unseen - Into A Dream
May 26, 2015, 03:39:12 PM

QuoteIt feels like a hole
Is torn through my heart
It's nothing at all
It tears me apart
How can I move on
With nowhere to go
My memories fade
I've nothing to show

Let the memories pass
Shattered like broken glass
I am lost in my reality
Broken into a dream

I feel the change
Rearrange my mind
I feel the pain
Of dreams passing by
My home
Has burned in the fires of the heartless
The empty shell the recollections set

Let the memories pass
Shattered like broken glass
I am lost in my reality
Broken into a dream

Do you know
What it's like
To lose your home
And lose your life

Let the memories pass
Shattered like broken glass
I am lost in my reality
Broken into a dream

This may be a tad long, but I think it's a really good song!
Song requests / Sights Unseen - Say Goodbye
May 26, 2015, 03:33:13 PM

QuoteCan you see what you did to me
Can you see the pain you caused
Look at my open wounds
And see my scars
I thought we'd be forever, you and I
We'd never separate
I swear, I don't know where we went wrong
But I guess I'm too late

Time heals all wounds
But life just seems to tear us apart
I cannot move
When my friends are being lost afar
How did I lose way in this storm
We're lost and running out of time
I'm not ready
But I guess I'll say goodbye

The war we made left a scar too deep
The wounds pierced my heart
The time we spent together taken way
Left its mark
I'm crying out, please hear my call
I can't let it end this way
But you're so cold and the gap is long
I want to fix this, what can I say

Time heals all wounds
But life just seems to tear us apart
I cannot move
When my friends are being lost afar
How did I lose way in this storm
We're lost and running out of time
I'm not ready
But I guess I'll say goodbye

So this is it
After all we've been through
We just quit
Is that what I meant to you
If I could change just one thing
Just so I could make it right
What would it be that hardened your heart
Or should I just say goodbye

Time heals all wounds
But life just seems to tear us apart
I cannot move
When my friends are being lost afar
How did I lose way in this storm
We're lost and running out of time
I'm not ready
But I guess I'll say goodbye

Time heals all wounds
I cannot move
We're running out of time
I guess I'll say goodbye