Metajoker & Respin - Become

Started by Pluie, July 28, 2018, 01:02:06 AM

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This song has been requested in the past, and is one of my all-time favorites, so I'm glad that it's done!

There are only a few things I want to note:

  • Vocal chops: I originally put in all of the vocal chops--which was too much. I then took out most of them except for the ones listed in the original lyrics. Most of the chops are okay, except for two:

    • "Get nervous, get nervous"
    • "I don't want second"
    The notes on both of these sound a little weird (the first more than the second). Of course, they're auto-tuned samples, so they aren't really "pitchy". It would be good to get some feedback on whether the piches are right or not, though.
  • Glissando/portamento: Metajoker does a lot of pitch slides with his singing. Rather than make a bunch of freestyle notes, my strategy was to break such notes into two or three pieces, and shorten them so the actual glide happens between the notes. Hopefully this is okay.
  • Lyric changing: This is pretty minor, but I changed the lyrics from "pushing on till I fly, on till I fly" to "pushing until I fly, until I fly." I think "until" just makes more sense than "on till." (also, the actual sample is "I'm telling", so we can both be right.) I also changed each "better be a" to "better be" because you almost can't hear it, and it's easier to sing.

The completed song is up on the OwnCloud. (There's also some old files in the Limbo folder which can be removed.) I used the same image for cover and background art because that's what Metajoker & Respin did. The video is JuiceboxAlvin's SFM.

Finally, I don't know if anyone else cares, but I like reading the "lyrics" to vocal chops. Here are all the transcribed lyrics I cut from the song. It was fun listening to the individual samples from Respin's Live project to write them down.
Um, uh, even um uh e-up ma'am
G-g-get nervous, get nervous, oh
G-g-get-et into the yes u-um rain
So you, um, uh, even um uh e-up ma'am
G-g-get nervous, get nervous
Gonna make you an unstoppable flier

Ry meh, ry meh, ry meh
Ry meh lah
Ry ry-me lah eh me
O-o-on eh euh ah ay
On eh euh dee mem

Um, ma'am better be a harder, better be a fast
T-t-the lie
Pushing yourself there
When the dreams are gone

R-r-ry ry-me li eh me u-uh
O-o-on eh euh ry euh
On eh euh th lie
