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Topics - bashfluff

Welcome! / Hi! ...and a question, maybe?
July 09, 2013, 06:26:34 PM
Hello! I love karaoke, so I have a feelin' I'll love this. I just had one question, though. I juuuuust got back from Everfree Northwest and was planning my "I'm leaving town and it's my birthday!" party, and I wanted to snag this awesome song pack. But when I got it, it seemed like a whole bunch of songs were missing, like the FiW stuff and such.

The person who "brought" it said that all of it was available on site, but I can't find it. Checked the forums, asked on IRC, and scoured the internet, but nothing. Is there anything I'm missing? I saw this google doc for a lot of the songs, which are I know I'm not crazy. I think.