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Messages - platinumcolt

Honestly couldn`t help but respond to this post. To me this song is just plain awesome, and was one of the first songs that got me into wanting to create files in the first place. I tried to create it myself, but now i`m super hyped for when it is finished being worked on  :3
Welcome! / Re: Greetings!
September 03, 2015, 09:43:21 AM
Quote from: Smilley on September 03, 2015, 09:03:31 AM
Three words: trial and error. It's really nothing more complicated than that. It takes some experience and a good ear to be consistent, but it really comes down to learning by doing. I remember my first blundering attempts - judging by today, they were oh so bad, but they were a learning experience each.

I guess it really is trial and error most of the time :3 Just wish I had a good ear for picking out pitch. Thing with me is, I can hear pitch changes up to that ever so slight one, but even then It takes me about 2-3 listens to find out if it`s lower or higher. My main problem with it is the key structure. I even learned all the keys on my keyboard to try to get it down, but for the life of me I can`t find the key the original song was played in. So I want to figure out how to build my ear around that ^^ Plus the more I dig into learning about the ins and outs of music the more I tend to enjoy it :3
Welcome! / Re: Greetings!
September 03, 2015, 04:19:19 AM
Quote from: Goliathe on September 02, 2015, 10:41:48 PM
Hai there ^^

Now I'll be short because I'm low on time as I type this, but if you ever ened help with pitches and stuff, maybe I can help you. I've been dying to make hundreds of songs but my old laptop crashes everytime I open the editor, so I'll have to wait until I get a new PC (which might take another year or so). Good luck anyway :)

Thank you for the welcome ^^ As for learning pitches, really I would appreciate any help I can get trying to understand them better. Honestly I have alot of songs I worked on with how the wording flows and listened as closely to the rhythm of the song as I can. But at the end of the day, without knowing what key each individual pitch is in, it just turns into a template of what could of been :3 I`ve started trying to learn off of youtube and reddit, but I am saving up for lessons just in case.
Welcome! / Greetings!
September 02, 2015, 07:47:31 AM
Bit late saying hello on the welcome board. Approximately 6 months late to be exact, but I thought I would still make one none the less. First I would like to say how thankful I am for there being a MLK available. And secondly how much this has actually been a help for me both for my appreciation of music and has given me something I actually feel a joy for ^^ currently i`m actually on it almost having been half a year of me playing this game every single day(enjoyed ever minute of it though) and I can proudly say I will continue to play karaoke now as long as I continue to sing. only downside so far is well, I kind of wish I could make songs myself on here. I got the rhythm and how the words flow down, but when it comes to figuring out the pitches of a song, I can`t seem to figure out a single one. I mean I can, but I can`t tell which ones are the correct notes(even with a piano close by me) but hey I will always continue to wait for more songs to come out ^^ Just creating them would be alot of fun :3
