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Topics - AmyTheOne

so, after i played the song hoofdachest, i tried to send in my score and it gave me an error. i tried to resend it multiple times, but it didnt work, so i hit enter to continue, and then an error popped up and the game crashed. A few weeks ago, none of this happened and the game was working perfectly. It also wont let me redownload the game, and when i check for updates, it says there is one and then when i go to update it says there is none. When i tried opening the game after the first error, it said "Error exectuing SQL. error 1: SQL error or missing database. 'select [sql] from squlite_master where [type] = 'table' and lower(name) = 'us_statistics_info' ": unsupported file format [TDataBaseSystem.lnit]"
the first error was "Sorry, an error occured! please report this error to the game-developers. Also check the Error.log file in the game folder. Stacktrace: exception class: EAccessViolation
Message: Access violation
$004E57DA TSCREENTOP5__ONSHOW, line 200 of screens/UScreenTop5.pas
$00434268 TDISPLAY__DRAW,  line 364 of menu/UDisplay.pas
$00446F71 MAINLOOP, line 323 of base/UMain.pas
$00446DBD MAIN, line 263 of base/UMAIN.pas
$00402AC6 main, line 391 of ultrastardx.dpr"
i have no idea what this means, as im a mere teen trying to play a game where you sing about ponies and get rated on your performance. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!