Kenny9807 - Apples to the core (Rock version)

Started by jrrhack1, January 11, 2014, 05:07:04 PM

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I need some help to fix this song, I am not a musician so I missed some midi pitches

File pack (as seen on Yass)
Dropbox file doesnt work anymore switching to Mediafire


OK, get ready for the Good, the Bad and the Ugly:

- Line- and typesetting: This one's good. You have a good sense of where to make linebreaks. This song isn't too difficult in that regard, though. One thing you should keep in mind for karaoke: periods and colons on the end of a line are generally left out. Looks nicer that way.
Also, with drawn out, multi-note words like the last word in the line "We're family but so much more", you should decide on one of two spellings:
1) Use a ~ for the stretched part, eg. more~, or
2) Double the vowel that's stretched and put a - in between, eg. mo-ore
The problem with your spelling (moore) is that words can get different meanings if you just add a vowel. Think about it if the word is "pop", for instance... :-D

- Tapping: OK, although some notes either fall a bit short or are too long, especially at the end. Getting the last note is always particularly difficult, though. What you need to improve is your syllables. You need to have one note for each spoken/sung syllable.
Case in point, the word "family". It comes around three times in the chorus line "We're family, but so much more" and once during Apple Bloom's verse in "Than travellin' with my family". In the chorus, it's sung as "fam'ly", with just two syllables sung out loud. Of the three lines, you tapped it in three different ways: together (family), as two notes (fam-ily) and as three (fa-mi-ly). It's always sung the same way, so if nothing else, you should look for consistency there.
In the Apple Bloom line, you tapped it correctly, since all three syllables are distinctly audible.
This was one example, but the problem crops up during the entire song.

- Pitching: This is... rather bad. Some lines are salvagable, others are extremely off. Open the song in the USDX editor (see the thread in my sig for details) and press [Left SHIFT]+P. This is something that'll only improve with practice, however, so you might just want to try again.

If you want to get better at song editing, I'd say you could give this one another go. You can use my Apples to the Core beta as a pitch reference.
Want to try your hoof at making your own songs? Look no further!


THanks for the reply. You think USDX is better for pitching than Yass?


*shrugs* I never used Yass. Once you get used to the USDX editor's controls, it works great. The only two problems are that you can't edit the linebreak positions and you can't see past the line you are editing - so you don't see any overlapping notes on two different lines.
Want to try your hoof at making your own songs? Look no further!


Woops! This was from a while ago, and I overlooked it - my bad. Added it to Owncloud.