Error Thingy

Started by TirzahLPS, July 19, 2013, 12:47:06 AM

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I just waited 4 hours to download this and I am psyched! But when I open it and draged it into the "Applications" folder. Then pressed "Install Songs&Themes" it took maybe 2 seconds then I tried to click on "UltraStarDeluxe" and it would open, then close immeadiently! (I am on a mac) HELP!


Be sure that the MLK disk is still mounted, also please report us your Mac OS X version.

PS : You also need administrator right.


I didn't use a disc, I just downloaded it and my version is 10.7.5


I burned the "UltraStarDeluxe" to the disc, and even with the disc in it gives me the same problem.  :'(


I have no idea why it fail, but there a workaround, copy the application to the application folder, then go to your application folder, right click on UltraStarDeluxe application and click on "Show Package Contents" and copy the folder themes and the folder songs in that "Contents" folder, accept to replace any data if it ask and enjoy !

edit : If I wasnt clear enough, after doing that, you do not need to run Themes&Songs install, it will work directly.

PS : Be sure to check your iso has been downloaded correctly, if you downloaded your file via safari/chrome/firefox in http and never moved the file, go to Application, then utilities, then launch Terminal and type or paste

md5 ~/Downloads/MLK_SIM2.iso

It gonna take approx 5 min and give you a "code" it should be "1fea966a2c165ef915b97f00543f43d1" if its something else, your download is corrupted, redownload again.


Nope, still doesn't work


I will explain EXACTLY what I did,

Downloaded the "direct" download
Waited 4 hours
Download finished
Opened the folder and clicked: OS X
Clicked the: My Little Karaoke For Mac.dmg
Moved UltraStarDeluxe to Applications Folder
Clicked: Install Songs&Themes
The download took exactly 6.37 seconds
Burned the UltraStarDeluxe to an empty DVD disc
Inserted the disc and clicked on UltraStarDeluxe
BAM! THE ERROR, it will open for 3 seconds then close itself.


Please do the command in terminal, without being sure code match we can't help you, since you probably have a corrupted download.

PS : You have burn the wrong thing, you should burn the ISO on the disk using "Disk Utility" in the Utilities folder of OS X.


I did the command into Terminal and it does nothing


And, I burned the DMG to the disc, still doesn't work.


Quote from: TirzahLPS on July 19, 2013, 01:48:11 PM
And, I burned the DMG to the disc, still doesn't work.
Not the DMG !, the ISO, "MLK_SIM2.iso", Try redownloading using torrent before.

And you actually have to wait a little for the terminal, this is not instant !


are you sure the command pointed to the iso?
If not you can correct the command yourself if it did you need to wait at least 5 minutes before closing terminal


I pressed enter in terminal then it does this (After the command)  /Users/admin/Downloads/MLK_SIM2.iso: No such file or directory
admins-MacBook:~ admin$


Quote from: TirzahLPS on July 19, 2013, 02:06:33 PM
I pressed enter in terminal then it does this (After the command)  /Users/admin/Downloads/MLK_SIM2.iso: No such file or directory
admins-MacBook:~ admin$

You use "admin" account everyday ? correct that path to the iso path. , You moved the iso somewhere maybe ? in that case its not in Downloads anymore.

EDIT : better, just open a terminal, type : "md5 " (with a space after md5), then drop the iso file in your terminal windows and press enter.

PS : the ISO file, not the DMG, not the application, not anything else ! the MLK_SIM2.iso file ! :p


I only have one profile, Admin. What do you mean correct the path?


I had that happen too during an earlier beta and it was because the theme and songs didnt install correctly. Ok can you check if you have them installed correctly. Under applications find UltrStarDeluxe hold control and click it(right click if your mouse has it) and show package contents. Under contents there should be a couple folders with one labeled 'themes'. Is it there and if so does it have a mlk.ini file, mlk folder and a Deluxe.ini file, Deluxe folder?

Also for the terminal command, where is the iso downloaded to? What folder?


Quote from: TirzahLPS on July 19, 2013, 02:23:42 PM
I only have one profile, Admin. What do you mean correct the path?

Look at my previous post i just edited :p

@StarStep, he said it take 6 second to fail, impossible to copy all the data in 6 sec !


Code! 1fea966a2c165ef915b97f00543f43d1


Ok, so, first, be sure to have ultrastardeluxe in your applications folder, it doesnt work if its elsewhere !

then, if it was in the Mac OS X default applications folder and that still doesnt work :

1.Delete actual application from the Applications folder,
3.Mount MLK_SIM2.iso
4.Mount the Mac DMG
5.Copy the application to your Applications folder (
(just to be sure you start from a good setup)
6.launch the terminal
7.type : "open ~/Library/Application\ Support/
8. it open a finder windows, there probably an ultrastardeluxe folder in it, delete it !
9. back to the terminal, type : "open /Applications/"
10. You see a new Finder window, copy the folder themes and the folder songs from the DVD (the MLK_SIM2 iso, not the DMG, not the app) in it
11. Close everything and it should work !


Oh my PWNIES! Thank you!!!! But, how do I sing? I have a microphone automatically installed in my mac, how do I use it?