Singstar Mics Pulsing silence.

Started by sleumas2000, August 22, 2014, 01:04:56 PM

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I don't know if this is an Ultrastar Bug, a Windows Driver/Hardware/summat bug or a Singstar Mic Problem, but whenever I use my Singstar Mics on the USB soundcard that comes with them, the input pulses.
Looking at the bars, it looks like    ########--########--########--########    (#=blue, -=empty bar)    on long notes, and likewise, there are gaps on smaller notes.
I know it's not just my voice being weird, because it blips at the same time on the red and blue Mic, and it does it too regularly (c. 300ms ssilence every 2.5s)

Am I the only person experiencing this bug?
Top of the day to you!


I do have the same problems, whenever I play MLK with video on my laptop or when the 1080p videos are too much for my old computer (that's why you should use 720p vids  ;)). So basically, it seems to be a hardware problem, your computer processes too much from playing the videos and isn't able to recognize the mic input correctly. (Note that I don't know much about the techy stuff, so feel free to explain it better  :))

I solve this by not playing videos at all. (As you can put them off in options). Hope that helped you.
Quote from: QT Luna on May 17, 2015, 10:05:06 PM
I've seen RD1042 perform songs with 8500-9500 points on medium with eyes closed, slightly drunk and half-sleeping.


Why, Thank you.
I was just wanting to know I wasn't mad
Top of the day to you!


USDX uses Fast Fourier Transform to analyze pitches. It was said to be quite taxing on the CPU back when USDX was first released, and it might still be a tad intensive. Considering the engine is a bit aging and very CPU-bound (including decoding video and music), what might happen is that the game might fail to properly poll the mics under stress. That, or an audio buffer issue of some sort maybe?

(The least powerful machine I've ever used the game on is a AMD C-50 based netbook, and it doesn't run properly unless I turn off the bg videos; the second least powerful computer I use the game on is the machine I bring to conventions, based a Intel G2020 - this works well even on two screens for 6 players).