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Topics - robumf

Shot me if you must.
I see I need more breaks. Maybe some free notes, more talking then singing?

work files.
Feel free and edit. Along with my other two.
Still not positive I know what I'm doing
W.I.P: Community Songs / Vul - Bucketeer
July 17, 2024, 03:56:15 AM
 Vul - Bucketeer
Almost know what I'm doing at creating files for MLK

Review and Clean Up Please.

Need to change the image, where Pinkie Pie has a bucket in one hand and a plushie in the other.
My work files are

Also works with UltraStar Deluxe and Play.
With the new APK of UltraStar Play you can now add MLK on Amazon Reader and other Mobile device.
My Little Karaoke is now even littler.

MLK on a Stick
You can also copy and paste your MLK folder (Windows Program Files(86) to a USB drive and take it with to run on most computers.
Just something to think about.
Not to much to work with..,

Somewhere New

Boys! Boys! Boys!
Maybe bottling will need spit and a few minor pitch corrections needed.
  The more I mess with the numbers the worse it's getting.
Issues and bug reports / I think I made MLK on a Stick
January 27, 2020, 06:23:16 AM
Can some pony test my work and make it better.
I do think there is extra files that don't need to be on the USB to work.

The idea is you can have MLK run portable.

If you please.. download, unzip to a USB drive.
test it with a windows computer that don't have MLK.
You could add more song folders to songs depending on the size of the USB drive..!AMU6yB81QZpdjE8

Alternate test could be, unzip to a folder. then when run as is .. you should have only two songs when played.
Issues and bug reports / Computer Build
January 19, 2020, 10:15:29 PM
I'm really thinking about a custom build specifically for MLK, (UltraStar Deluxe) of course I want to keep the cost low but not priority.
Two big concerns for up to three monitors (1920x1080) suggestive video cards to get the job done (60 frame rate) and how many sound card needed for 4 people

recording the performance net required but would be nice.
Preferable using parts about two years old... more bang for the buck.

Has any pony did this?

suggestive 50 dollorish  Microphones
suggest paraphernalia.

Is there a way I can download MLK from one computer with a fast internet. then install to a different computer without the internet?
windows base.

Maybe an ISO? or full download with an installer that don't need an internet.
The General Ressources Chest / category
August 29, 2017, 03:13:31 AM
Where does Category list comes from?

As an experiment that worked. I found a rar file of 897 songs that was created for Ultrastar Deluxe and then created a new folder under songs, extracted the songs there.  When I open MLK there is the songs and more categories.
I don't see any tags on Category.
In forum W.I.P. can the post be tagged or move when the song in works are considered done.


I can't find song's lyrics