My Little Karaoke

Carousel Boutique => W.I.P: Community Songs => Topic started by: lily on May 01, 2024, 02:43:32 AM

Title: Trey Husk, Nexgen & Koa - Starbound
Post by: lily on May 01, 2024, 02:43:32 AM
I've got a bit of a backlog of charts so I'm gonna start posting 'em here every sometimes in the order I made them. Anything I've ever made will end up here (, which will be 'ahead' until I've caught up on making threads (to avoid being too spammy). Hopefully chart quality gets better the newer the chart is lol.

This one I managed over 9200 on Medium but most likely because a good 60% of this song is rap and because the rap part is not too strict (1 beat for most words).

Accordingly, this one includes a duet. I think I made some note-length changes to the duet chart but I can't recall what (if any).

Audio: Bandcamp FLAC to MP3-320 (ffmpeg)
Cover: Default cover art for P@D Blossom
Background: Made it myself lol it is genuinely awful and I would advise finding something else

- Seems to be biased a little fast as far as I can tell, particularly in the vocal (Koa)'s part. Might be because it was originally charted using the Bandcamp free 128kbps stream and I later switched it out for a better quality audio file, or just because of poor charting