New Fan Song - Last BronyCon

Started by calvinthedestroyer, November 30, 2018, 03:43:22 AM

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Here is a song that I put together for the fandom:

The song is called "The Last Bronycon" a parody of The Last Unicorn by America.
You can download the song file and try it for yourself, it's the first song on the list. (Most of the other songs are still works in progress and don't work yet)

Here is a video of the song:

Also, sorry if this is in the wrong thread. I did not see where to post finished projects.

How do I submit a song to be added to the my little karaoke song list?




My friend made a better recording of my song for me, check it out:

I still need to update the karaoke files :)


Would you be able to upload the file to say, Google Drive, Mega, whatever? :)



Quote from: Renard on November 12, 2019, 10:51:16 PM
Would you be able to upload the file to say, Google Drive, Mega, whatever? :)
I went and updated my website to have the latest version of "The Last Bronycon" song. You will have to rename the LastBronycon-notes.txt file to just "notes.txt"

The other two songs for luck rock are not finished yet.



Hi, Thanks for adding the song. This is so awesome to have a song in the game!