New forum logo needed!

Started by Renard, June 03, 2012, 12:10:05 AM

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Because the current one doesn't quite cut it. :P

Expected size: 256px × 34px
Expected format: PNG (alpha channel ok)

Any other improvements (such as smiley packs) are welcome too.


do you still need this? as i know who to make stuff like this


Wait, does the forum even have a logo currently?


Yeah... this thread's a bit old. :)

The logo was supposed to fit in the 'announcement' section on top of the forum, which is now used to provide a few links. There used to be a G3.5 troll banner when the forum launched. :P


Do you still need it though, as i can make one for you.


Sure! Much obliged. :)

The logo will actually replace the "MLK-SiM" text at the top of each page (you're now seeing a My Little Pony logo there, to give you an idea).

EDIT: made it obvious. :D


What is it with me, and the need to "necro" a thread? ;D

Anyhow, I made a couple forum logo choices for you... If you still want one, that is.

They are based off the box-art logo I enhanced a little while back.

Note:  They are the size you requested, .png with alpha channel.


Well, thanks! I'll try to change the current logo (or lack thereof) asap. :P


Just a thought...

It might be a good idea to replace the logo on the main site, since we have the artwork now.
(with the vectors, you can even make it whatever size you want)


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