America - The Last Unicorn

Started by barbeque, April 29, 2024, 05:21:38 PM

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If you're of the opinion that this isn't pony-related, I recommend asking Jamis about this song :D

I'm not entirely happy with it, but with >9600 on Normal and >6500 on Hard, it probably only requires minor tweaks.

- Original txt by IC on USDB, but it's been heavily altered by me
- Audio: lossless CD rip converted to lossy ogg
- Video: not included because it's a raw blu-ray excerpt from the movie. A script is included which timestamps it is (on my version at least). Renard I can PM you the raw video if you need it.
- Background:

An official instrumental of this song does (as far as I have found) not exist, and probably can't be officially in MLK anyway. I did find some interesting other instrumental versions, namely youtube ID's Vq-NvuLxSRg and KPMPHcdhIIc, but they're timed differently. If any of these can be released I'm willing to make the txt after the original has been quality-checked, otherwise I'll just make them after the MLK release or something because I like this song, okay?

i am best barbeque. put your hamburgers on me.