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Messages - PsychicWalnut

Any way you wanna do it is fine with me.  ;D
I just made the files to give you the choice.
OK, the song files are on the cloud.  Got seven(7) of them this time.  Don't worry, three(3) of them are pitch reference tracks.
We got the full song, pure instrumental track(for solo or duet), Sing as Gabby, Sing as CMC, and the three(3) pitch references to find that note when the two parts overlap.
Audio Tracks are on the Cloud...

Usual three tracks...  Have at em guys!
Audio files are in the cloud now.

4 versions this time.

1. Pitch reference
2. Full song
3. Instrumental
4. Instrumental w/CMC Backing (You don't sing the CMC chorus on this one)

** All tracks have Cheerilee's race introduction, and is not intended to be sung.

*EDIT* Oh, and I'm pretty sure this is Episode 14... not 13.
oops... I forgot about that.

I'll fix it.

I guess that will teach me to pay more attention when making new songs right after coming home from a chorus performance.
Audio is done.  5 Tracks.

1. Full
2. Instrumental
3. Pitch Reference
4. Sing as Pinkie
5. Sing as Rarity

OK, this one took a bit of work...

There are now 5 tracks for this on the cloud.

1. The Full Song
2. The Instrumental
3. The Pitch Reference Track
4. Sing as Zephyr
5. Sing as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash

Unfortunately, I cannot separate Shy and Dash and still make it sound decent in their duet sections.

Hope you like the results.
Quote from: Smilley on June 05, 2016, 07:22:56 PM
While I would love Barbershop mode...

I just thought this was hilarious...  In Barbershop singing, we don't try to hit perfect notes, instead we 'ring the chord' with a harmonic lock.  This usually means 3 of the 4 parts are never on the exact note.

Anyhow, I'm back home now and will start work on the audio for this song.
Ugh... Trying to make an instrumental for the first part of the song was a nightmare.  There just wasn't much center channel audio to work with... just the small solo bits.

However, I managed to chop some stuff out and make a decent sounding instrumental.

Sorry for the delay on this one...  my chorus had its spring show this weekend, and I've been recovering from it.  (Just exhausted)

I'll work on it right now.
Audio is done... well, at least the long version.
I wasn't sure if we really wanted to have a short version or not... since the long version isn't that much longer.

Note:  In the instrumental, I left Snowfall Frost's lines in place, so you only perform the part of Luna.

This audio stream starts at 17 min, 15.932 sec (24,862 frames)
It is 1 min, 42.792 sec long (2,457 frames)
Audio for this song is done.
Song, Instrumental, and Pitch Reference are on the cloud.

Video Timing Details
Song starts at:  9 min, 15.516 seconds. (13,332 frames)
Total Song Length: 2 min, 8.601 seconds. (3,086 frames)

Part 2 of song starts at: 11 min, 17.113 sec (16,251 frames)
Length of Part 2: 1 min, 1.464 sec (1,475 frames)
For timing reference:

Audio starts at 13 min, 16.053 sec into the episode. (itunes reference)
That's 19,105 frames in, and 2,673 frames long at 24fps.
OK, I did some alignment checking.
My audio track for this starts at: 5 minutes, 15.075 seconds into the video stream of the episode. (itunes reference)

I'm not sure if the following details will be useful, but audacity also tells me this starts at 7,562 frames in, and is 3,365 frames long (24 fps)
Audio for this song is done.

I left Twilight's line in the audio.(even the instrumental)
I would recommend that we do not have the players sing that one, but instead laugh at Twi.
Audio is done, and on the cloud. (Typical 3 tracks)

I left in a line or two earlier than the video shown above, since it was a good setup line, and I really don't like chopping into a good musical buildup.
Well... I got the music files for this song done...

But it seems that I don't have permission to write to the cloud at the moment.
Bad news about the new 5.1 audio.

While the episode audio is done correctly, it seems that both the vocals and the 'record player' for this song are on center channel only.  As such, I can't make a suitable instrumental version.
Instrumental track is now on the cloud.
Instrumental version is now on the cloud.

As usual, it is sync'd with the existing song.mp3