Leaderboard Broken

Started by ShTHfan1, August 05, 2015, 11:24:31 PM

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I tried to look at the leaderboards and it broke... It just broke... I don't know if this is something wrong with my computer or something wrong with the website...


This is not only with your computer, don't worry ^^
Seems like something with the whole site derped yesterday at around 16:20 EDT... that's 20:20 UTC/GMT 0 if I'm not mistaken.

Fortunately the site is back (no idea when, since it was working when I woke up this morning), but it seems as if something is still wrong with the leaderboards. We'll have to wait until the people who have the ability to fix it do it.
Now the sunrise lifts us up from the dark,
The dawn bringing light, bringing hope;
We will rebuild for our spirit is strong,
And Harmony will be restored.


I've just emailed Renard, who controls the server. Hopefully it'll come back online soon  :(


Yes, minor issue server-side. Back online!


It's doing it again! And I just got a high score, too! DX


That one piece of downtime was odd. Can't really look into the core issue right now (I'm at a place with a 0.6kpbs Internet connexion and 50% packets drop, older folks here deem that "acceptable", but I can't do much), but still restarted the database. Hopefully that was just a hiccup.

Edit: yep, our host confirms this was just a hiccup, all is fine.