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Topics - rainbowderpy


[spoiler]I'd hear my thoughts echoing all night
They'd keep me awake throughout the never ending desperation
Then heading out 6 AM light
The fandom brought a con perhaps it may bring some negation
I'd load the car and be on my way
Unsure of what could happen or possibly be in store that day
No idea that my life would change
Making friends way back in season 2

It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There's nothing that a hundred leaks or drama could ever do
I'll spend my life in the fandom
Gonna get some stares but at least I'm finally not so sad

I'm not alone in my one bedroom tonight
Cuz I can talk to thousands of like-minded people who enjoy the show
And if those friends do not feel alright
Fighting the same shadows that I have know from my fights with them some time ago
Then I can help what ails inside
And be the support we need each other for[/spoiler]

HQ version available for 1$ at (I'll gladly get the song, once somecreature starts work on this amazing piece)

Well, I wonder what it's like to be the voice actor
I wonder what it's like to know that I'm in the show
I'd work up the talent to bring out any sound they'll ask of me
Any voice they think they'll ever... need... they'll need...

Well, I wonder what it's like to be the animator
I wonder what I'd do if I controlled all the movement, yeah
With that kind of power, I'd build up little worlds from my heart
At times I might forget I'm not in... charge... in charge... (yeah)

Wait up, tell me all that you know about this
If it was meant for girls, why do guys watch it more
Strange how it is when you hear them all say
"I wish this little show could just be reality"

...for you... and you... and me...

Well, I wonder what it's like to be the script writer
I wonder what I'd write if they all did just what it said
Well, I'd fill it with morals and help the world become a better place
Let them know it's not all one big... race... a big race... (yeah)

(repeat chorus)

They won't change, they won't break
They're the only ones who can keep the show running still
They won't change who they are

...for you... or you... for me, yeah...

(guitar solo)

(repeat chorus)[/spoiler]

[spoiler]All, in life has a price
With talent comes strife
To honor all those who believed in you
Then, one day you look back
See just what you lack
What you could have
If you had chosen another path
All the things you taught me,to help me grow
Now I'm asked to hold back and let it go
Well if I cannot be myself
That just means I don't belong
You can count me out of this game
I refuse to play along!
I can't hold back this feeling
I don't think I can stay
This place no longer feels like home
I wish to run away
Run away
Run away, run away
Don't look back, it's ok
Race the wind, be the first to find
The light of a new day
Run away, run away
There's no reason left to stay
I won't shed a single tear because
My life begins today
I obeyed every rule
And I feel like a fool
When I see where
All that compliance has gotten me
Those, I love, I will miss
Please forgive me for this
But I know that you're strong
And you don' t ne+~+ed me here
That one time I went on my own
And I dared to cross the line
I found out the courage within me
And I learned to rise and shine
I've been dreaming of adventure
Ever since that faithful day
Live is forged by my own choi+ces
I don't care what they may say
So I'll say
Run away, run away
Don't look back, it's ok
Race the wind, be the first to find
The light of a new day
Run away, run away
There's no reason left to sta+y
I won't shed a single tear
Because my life
Yes my li+~+~+~fe begins today[/spoiler]

[spoiler]When the world is just so hard with you
And you feel there is nowhere to go
When everything is decaying around
And there is nothing that you can do

We'll all have these days
But there is one thing that you must know
What makes a hero be so great
Is to never, never give up

So now I ask
Where's your heaven now?
I wanna know when will you find it out
I wanna know where's your heaven now?
If you will give up or make it come out

Cause we have all the time in the world
We have nothing to fear or loose
And so much to do
So now I ask
Where's your heaven now?
It's all up to you
Where is your heaven now?

When the world is just so hard with you
And you feel there is nowhere to go
When everything is decaying around
And there is nothing that you can do

We'll all have these days
But there is one thing that you must know
What makes a hero be so great
Is to never, never give up

So now I ask
Where's your heaven now?
I wanna know when will you find it out
I wanna know where's your heaven now?
If you will give up or make it come out

Cause we have all the time in the world
We have nothing to fear or loose
And so much to do
So now I ask
Where's your heaven now?
It's all up to you
Where is your heaven now?[/spoiler]

My God, my heart beats faster
And my mind is racing
Could it be...?
Could it be that you've come back to life?

I know those eyes following me
Dark and familiar and deep as the sea
I know that face, strange though it seems
Younger and kinder it haunts all my dreams

How can you stand there?
A whisper from me
Yet, somehow be so far away

In eyes once familiar a stranger I see
With so many words left to say


This man is dead
He is no more
He died a little each day
Like a thief, the Chateau D'If has stolen him away

The mind plays tricks
You are confused
The man you seek is long gone
Dead and cold

A story told
By those he trusted, those he loved, and those who then moved on

Both singing different lyrics at the same time:

I am a ghost; just a mirage
Who chases traces of you

There in that voice
Traces of you

Dark and familiar and deep as the sea

This man is dead
He is no more
And though it's torturing me

I know those eyes
Torturing me

Can either of us really ever be free?

How can you stand there?
A whisper from me
When you are still so far away

And why does the truth seem too hard to be true?
With so much broken


And so much damage


There are no words


Left to say[/spoiler]
You gotta shaaaaaaare~ / Pony Cider Fest 2016
November 03, 2016, 07:45:07 AM

mp3 for vocals, instrumental and song; cover and background images are already on owncloud in the limbo folder.

[spoiler]I can see the fear in your eyes
Of soaring without knowing how to fly
Will you trust me, will you let me show
The world is bigger than you know

You can say your books hold all you seek
They tell you how, and who to be
But I ask you, Let me take your hand and soar
The sky holds so much more

You and me, aloft without a care
But I'd care if I fell down there
And though my heart's beating rapidly in my chest
I know I'm learning from the best

Spread your wings, and reach to the sky
Keeping your back straight, and your head held high
Lifting all four hooves right off the ground
Soon you'll hear the sound, as the wind surrounds

Tremble not with fear, hear what I say
Look into my eyes, and see the way
I'm right beside you even if you fall
To help you get back up, so you can stand up tall

You and me, aloft without a care
But I'd care if I fell down there
And though my heart's beating rapidly in my chest
I know I'm learning from the best

I can see the wonder in your eyes
As you touch your wings to the sky
Don't look down now, and you will grow
The world is bigger than you know

You can say your books hold all you seek
Telling you how, and who to be
So I'll let go, and let you soar
Soon you'll find, the sky holds so much more[/spoiler]

background source is
This song is originally from the Sesame Stree, but heavily modified and sung by MandoPony. It is a rather short but really nice song.

[spoiler]Well, I'd like to visit the moon
On a rocket ship high in the air
Yes, I'd like to visit the moon
But I don't think I'd like to live there

Though I'd like to look down at the earth from above
I would miss all the places and people I love
So although I might like it for one afternoon
I don't want to live on the moon

So if I should visit the moon
Well I'll dance on a moonbeam and then
I will make a wish on a star
And wish I were home once again

Though I'd like to look down at the earth from above
I would miss all the places and people I love
So although I may go I'll be coming home soon
Cause I don't wanna live on the moon

No I don't want to live on the moon

You gotta shaaaaaaare~ / PCRP 2016
October 03, 2016, 11:01:59 PM

You gotta shaaaaaaare~ / Cologne Meetup Karaoke Images
September 12, 2016, 10:45:49 PM
At the monthly brony meetup in Cologne, Germany we usually also do 3 to 8 hours of karaoke and/or trotmania.
I'll randomly add new images in this thread as a collection.
From spring til fall/autumn we usually meet near a lake on a meadow and bring one or two laptops, our selfmade "Stammtischanlage" (two speakers, an efficient amplifier and a 12v battery from some old uninterrupted power supply unit) and 6 singstar microphones.
The cologne brony meetup usually consists of 60 to 80 bronys - some of them regularly traveling 5 hours just to get here - and we also have a barbecue + provide other food + non alcoholic drinks. We usually do one hour of pony cinema just after sunset. Personally, I think this is almost on the same level of entertainment as some small conventions are.

I try and I try
To fit the puzzle they want
But to everyone around me
I'm invisible

There are two maybe three,
ponies that believe in me
But to the others I won't fit the mold

No matter I do, everyday is like the other
Disappointment is around
The bend

I'm alone in the universe
So alone in the universe
Nopony understands what I'm facing
They all call me a disgrace
Ok, call me a disgrace
Any replacement would have been better

Cause I'm alone
And I can't fly
Around the moon and far beyond the sky
But someday soon, I know I will find
My small place in the universe
One true friend in the universe
Who believes in me

I'm alone in the universe
So alone in the universe
I don't even know what love is

Alone in the universe
Shut out, kept under lock and key
My mother turned away from me
I just want to heal her

But I'm alone
I'm alone
And I can't fly
I can't fly
Around the moon and far
Beyond the sky

But someday soon I know I will find

My small place in the universe

One true friend in the universe

Who believes in me

Flurry (Freestyle)
Oh...Galaxy...I never knew

Galaxy: (Freestyle)
It's ok I just
It's something I've always had to live with.
I know the princesses believe in me but
They don't understand the pressure I'm under
I haven't found anyone who knows what it's like.

Flurry: (Freestyle)
I understand
You don't want to do the wrong thing
And then have them pull away from you suddenly

Galaxy: (Freestyle)

Flurry: (Freestyle)
Well, I can tell you one thing Galaxy
You're not alone anymore
You wanna know why

Galaxy: (Freestyle)

Flurry:  (Freestyle)
Because you have me

You're not alone

You're not alone

And you can fly

You can fly

Around the moon and far

Beyond the sky

I'll alway be there you can count on me
To be that one voice in the universe Flurry
One true friend in the universe

Who believes in me

Galaxy: (Freestyle)
Ahh! What are you doing?

Flurry: (freestyle)
Hugs make everything better[/spoiler]

This song is perfectly suited to be a duet in MLK

this is top song of the month according to bronyradiogermany and ponyfillevm votings

Let go of your stress tonight
Spread your wings and fly with the stars so bright
An island in the distance waits for us
All our friends are there so what's all the fuss
And I've never seen a place like this
Tonight is a night you don't want to miss
Nothing in the sky could ever amount
To this amazing Island in the clouds
Island in the clouds
It feels like rush of purpose and lust
I'm happy I know someone I can trust
Your past is in the past and your future is grand
Don't let it bother you because we got better plans
And I've never seen a place like this
Tonight is a night you don't want to miss
Nothing in the sky could ever amount
To this amazing Island in the clouds
Island in the clouds
We will be the center of attention
center of attention
We will be the center of attention
center of attention
We will be the center of attention
center of attention
And Ive never seen a place like this
Tonight is a night you don't want to miss
Nothing in the sky could ever amount
To this amazing Island in the clouds
Island in the clouds
Oh I've dreamed of this night for a very long time
So please stay with me tonight[/spoiler]

lyrics and high quality audio file somehow appeared on owncloud.
Vocal Score told me last weekend at GalaCon that we may also contact him for singing notes.
Would be awesome if someone could do this great song!
Sights Unseen - Our Story

[spoiler]Take my hand and we can run
Hold my heart because we're not done
Death is not the end
Close your eyes, forever rest
I know you tried your best
So long my friend

This is not the end for you and I
It's okay to say goodbye
Fade away, oh fade away, in time
We'll meet again, our story's just begun, so goodbye

Take my heart and I will cry
Hold my hand, take to the sky
Our chapter's at an end
But there's still more for us to see
After the end, again we'll meet
You'll always be my friend

Trust me I don't want to see you go
This pain won't last forever
You'll see, this won't be the end, we'll find
A whole new world together

I'll see you again
So goodbye
It's okay to part ways
So goodbye
Our story isn't over
So goodbye[/spoiler]

wav audio is already on OwnCloud
this is one of my favorite fanmade songs. enjoy! /)

[spoiler]In the rising dawn
Just another day to bear
Don't know where my life has gone
Waiting on an answered prayer

Hiding from your face
You're breaking through my endless youth
Telling me my life's a waste
My world is crumbling in the truth

Flying never felt so low
All the things that we have done
Though I try I never know
What you want me to become

And I'll fly forever, get nervous, get nervous, oh
It doesn't, it doesn't
Better be harder, better be fast, better be shining free
And I'll know never to be you

Every night I lie awake
Facing fears I'm hiding deep inside
Every word I heard you say
Every memory louder than the lies

Nowhere left for me to go
When the dreams I seek are dead and gone
Though I try I'll never know
What you want me to become

I don't want second, get nervous, get nervous, oh
Better be harder, better be fast, better be pushing on till I fly, on till I fly

Who am I?
I'll journey till I find a light
Yeah I'll get there one day

Cause I fly away
From the world I knew
Cause my heart it told me to
Now I'm on my own
Who knows what I could become?
In the air I see it
The truth, yeah I believe it
Doesn't matter what we've done
Only what we can become
Woah, singing woah
With my friends I'm not alone
Now I know what I'll become[/spoiler]

Edit: instrumental wav and original wav are now on the owncloud
original background image:

bunch of people asked me about what features are on what keys in the usdx 1.3 version.
I'll start documenting them here whenever I have spare time and nothing else to do (or traveling in train with limited internet,...):

arrow right   select next syllable                                                 
arrow left   select previous syllable                                             
arrow up   select next sentence                                                 
arrow down   select previous sentence                                             
ctrl + arrow right/left   move only beginning of note to earlier/later             
Alt + arrow right/left   move only ending of note to earlier/later               
Shift + arrow up/down   change pitch of selected note                           
Shift + arrow right/left   move the note (beginning and ending) to earlier/later
=   increase BPM                           
-   decrease BPM                           
f   toggle note freestyle/normal           
g   toggle note golden/normal               
t   auto-fix timings of sentence switching 
v   play audio + video and follow the lyrics
Ctrl + z   undo last change                           
s   save changes                                       
p   play current sentence audio                         
Shift + P   play current sentence midi                 
Ctrl + Shift + P   play current sentence audio and midi
double click on a note   split note in two parts on the beat at mouse cursor location
select and drag a note up/down   change pitch of a note
select and drag a note left/right   move the beginning beat of the note to earlier / later
4   copy sentence
5 copy sentence
7   lower video gap   
8    increase video gap
9   decrease GAP       
0   increase GAP       
this one is fun for karaoke singing  ;)

Are you kidding me?
I'm the r r r r
swe ai ai ai ai
b b b ow
w w
da da da dash


I'm Rainbow Da
What was that?
I'm wa way way to cool

she's rainbowlicious

Song requests / Tridashie - Friendship is Musical
December 25, 2015, 10:22:19 AM
Welcome! / Hay everypony!
December 10, 2015, 12:18:55 AM
After 3 months of learning about mlk and UltraStar, performous, others, I should maybe also introduce myself   ;D
I am Stefan, a 22 years old male Brony from Trier, Germany. Am currently studying business administration and information technology and also working for an ISP fulltime. I do crazy stuff like for example: backpack traveling the north american eastcoast for 6 months and doing work&travel with climbing 150 meter high towers for installing wireless network links; or reviving a dead open source software project which is written in objective pascal...
I am a little crazy and love doing what others say is impossible =)
Am a brony since april 2015 and rainbowdash + derpy are my favorite ponys.
Black Gryph0n and Hans Zimmer are my favorite musicians and I love pmv&pictures with lots of details.
You gotta shaaaaaaare~ / PCRP / Season Finale Köln
December 06, 2015, 09:30:10 AM
*throwing all the pictures at you*



This was also the first public beta test of USDX v2 and it had all the avatars of the local meetup groups :D
could someone check the Forest Rain - Let The Magic Fill Your Soul cover which is new on the owncloud?
[EN] It's a Pony kind of Christmas
mp3, cover, a nice background and song.txt (with lyrics and timing) are already on the owncloud. Would be great if someone could set the correct notes

Lyrics and MP3 download links are in the youtube song description

QuoteWhat in the world are you doin' here
your kind isn't used to life underground
You should'a turned, walked away from here
but that doesn't mean you can't stick around

Don't you escape, this will make you unable
let's get a saddle to keep it stable
Let's get you workin' now, you're in the company of...

Livin' underground in a world of thunder!
Do you think we care 'bout the pain you're under?

Do you think that you're better than us
Singin' songs of peace and sweet harmony
You're gonna march to a different tune
And you're gonna have to get it from me

You know there is nothing special about you
The upper level is fine without you
Get back to workin' now, you're in the company of...