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Topics - Profpatsch

Pinkie's Counter / Sorceress Girl
February 12, 2013, 04:22:34 PM
That's right, Saberspark is doing it this time.
I bet EqD and Everfree Radio etc. will follow.

Though I still think 25 is way too small a number. 150 or 200 would be more realistic imho...

Edit: Oh, and voting is done in the comments of the video.
An oldie (2011...) but a goodie.

QuoteI used to hide myself away
From the cloudy skies of gray
I didn't laugh - I didn't know how
But all that's behind me now

No clouds today, the sky is clear
Just laugh to make them disappear
I was going to bring cupcakes
But I ate them all, so...

I put balloons in my basket
And watched them float away
I hope that it fills you with laughter
And sweeps your fears away
I put balloons in my basket
It usually gets a laugh or two
It's more fun when it's unexpected
I threw this party just for you

I know that I'm hard to understand
Sometimes I don't even get myself
But where's the fun, thinking so hard?
Let's just go roll on the ground

There's lots of other things that I'd rather do
Eating lots of sugary things with you
Ice cream, candy, pie and chocolate rain
Ignore the crowd, they just think we're insane

Run into the forest just to laugh at the trees
Then run back out while giggling at the ghostly
There's the evil enchantress who does evil dances
And when you look deep in her eyes she puts you in the punch bowl

I put balloons in my basket
And watched them float away
I hope that it fills you with laughter
And sweeps your fears away
I put balloons in my basket
It usually gets a laugh or two
It's more fun when it's unexpected
I threw this party just for you

I may seem so very crazy
When I say my tail makes the future less hazy
But come along with me and I'm sure you'll find
Falling pianos won't get you when you're right behind me

All it really takes is a cup of flour
And suddenly you're going 90 MPH
Everypony thinks I'm annoying sometimes
But they all agree my parties are really fun times
Learning how to laugh at your flaws is part of the fun
But I don't laugh at anyone
I'm energetic, sympathetic, there when you need me
And silly ponies who don't listen get eaten by the parasprites

Candy, cakes and pies, oh my
Where were you when I was kickin' it with Flutterguy?
With a twitcha-twitch-twitch, Twi fell into a ditch
I got knocked into a bush with a bump from Flutterbitch
I wouldn't trade my sense of humor
For all the sugar in the world
Cause I'm the partyingest pony in town
Stick with me and I'll show you rock that frown upside down

I put balloons in my basket
And watched them float away
I hope that it fills you with laughter
And sweeps your fears away
I put balloons in my basket
It usually gets a laugh or two
It's more fun when it's unexpected
I threw this party just for you
This beast's mine!

I've waited five months for it to come out.
So many different parts, key changes, and difficult, long-stretched notes with amazing pitches.
This gonna take some time. But it will be worth it. It will be more than worth it.
Karaoke file will soon be available, too. Perfect.

Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away?
The blame was my own; the punishment, yours
The harmony's silent today

But into the stillness I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep

Once did a pony who shone like the sun
Look out on her kingdom and sigh
She smiled and said, "Surely, there is no pony
So lovely and so well beloved as I"

So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory
That long was the shadow she cast
Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved
And grew only darker as days and nights passed

Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space

Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Luna, you're loved so much more than you know
Forgive me for being so blind

Soon did that pony take notice that others
Did not give her sister her due
And neither had she loved her as she deserved
She watched as her sister's unhappiness grew

But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly
Takes hold of the mind of its host
And that foolish pony did nothing to stop
The destruction of one who had needed her most

Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space

Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Luna, you're loved so much more than you know
May troubles be far from your mind
And forgive me for being so blind

The years now before us
Fearful and unknown
I never imagined
I'd face them on my own

May these thousand winters
Swiftly pass, I pray
I love you; I miss you
All these miles away

May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Safe upon your bed of moonlight
And know not of sadness, pain, or care
And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there

Edit: Tearing up again. This will be emotional.
Pinkie's Counter / Yoko Kanno – Gravity
August 21, 2012, 02:46:16 PM
And now for something completely different:

I want to improve my skills in this humble art we all are practicing here, so I tried a slow and hard song (mostly pitchwise, with some hard timings).

I hope at least one of you knows the Anime "Wolf's Rain". If you haven't seen it, go watch it now.
Anyway, the song is beautiful and a little depressing but definitely worth learning.

Here you go:
Issues and bug reports / Credits file template
August 19, 2012, 05:35:17 PM
I don't know if this really fits in here, since it's less of a bug and more of a discussion/proposal.

Since we want to distribute the songs as single downloads (I guess) aside from the complete package and since third party distribution lies in the nature of things (it's the internet, ya know?) I'd propose to have a credits.txt in every song folder.

My first draft:

ASCII art?

Song ©:
Video ©:

Notes by creator
Other notes

MY LITTLE PONY: SINGING IS MAGIC is a collaborative effort to bring ponies to karaoke. This product is not endorsed by Hasbro, or any of its subsidiaries; consider it a fan tribute and support the show by buying official merch. No ponies were harmed in the making of this disc. To the disappointment of Lyra Heartstring, humans did suffer a bit instead, mostly from a few sleepless nights. None exploded twice. Ponies are good and you should feel good. Some fan-made songs may or may not contain plot. The square root of 546 is 23.36664289109. You shouldn't pay a single bit to be able to play this, but beware of your immediate neigh-bours if your scores are low despite you singing as loud as you can, for they might frown at you.
Keep being awesome.

Visit us at:


Content rating:
– Friendship
– Pastel equines
– Use of pony magic
– Muffins and cupcakes

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is ©Hasbro, all Creations © to their respective artists.

What do you think about this?
And yeah, I copied a whole lot from that coverart of yours, Renard. But such a funny text needs its tributes. ;)
The General Ressources Chest / My workflow
August 18, 2012, 08:23:32 PM
1. Open up UltraStar Creator. (
2. Fill in the tags.
3. Insert lyrics and split into syllables (with '+', one for every pitch change, if there aren't enough syllables use '~')
4. Confirm bpm with a tapping tool. (The program WILL make mistakes, I use this:
5. Tap that thing. (If to fast set speed to 50–75%, sounds funny but works like a charm (except for crazy fast rap).) This will save you a lot of work, so if you where out of tempo better try again.
6. Set the basic pitch to the one that appears most often. (saves work later)
6. Open up in USDX, fine-tune GAP if necessary, double-check bpm at the end of song. (could be frustrating otherwise)
7. Beat match.
8. Pitch. (You can use a piano and/or the Practice option in Performous.)
9. Check in Performous with Ctrl+S, very easy to notice timing and pitch mistakes.
10. Singing test.
11. If it's very off, pause Performous before the song ends and use Ctrl+arrow keys to go forward/backward.
12. Correct the mistakes you see visually in Performous (your voice pitch), switching between Pf and USDX. I love my workspaces on Linux so much, on Windows you have to alt-tab. Tip: Use a lightweight desktop, like Gnome 2 w/o effects or KDE.

That's the best workflow I figured out yet and I thought I'd share it with you. Any advice?
I'm on it.

You know the feeling when you get a personal message from someone like ask-theCrusaders (JanAnimations)? I do. ;D

Renard, if we are fast we could get this to BUCK or even EFNW. Starting right now.
Welcome! / Well hello
August 14, 2012, 07:29:54 PM
Since there is no introduction subforum or thread, I'm going to post this here.

I first saw Performous on Galacon this weekend and I thought: "Wow, this is the perfect software to finally learn how to hit the pitch correctly".
When I went to the site one hour ago, my jaw dropped when I saw it's open source and Linux native.
Then I searched for MLP karaoke files (they had nearly all of them at Galacon) and found this.

Count me in.

I'm deep into brony music (actually wanting to start producing myself for quite a while now) and this is exactly my thing.

Let's get to it.
Where can I start?